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  • 出版社 中國香港老年人體育協
  • 作者 未分類
  • ISBN 9789887475002
  • 分類
  • 庫存 0 件 (總店)
  • 庫存 (更新中) (理工分店)
MOP $128.0

Health preservation Taijiquan for the Elderly
A new coronavirus spread worldwide, counted in millions, the mortality rate is extremely high, and although China, with the great efforts of the party and the national government, prevented a huge disaster, the current situation in foreign countries is getting more and more serious – the general public must take notice, it is not to be taken lightly and preventative measures must be taken.
In fact, apart from taking basic preventative measures and heightened protective self-awareness, you also need to have a healthy body and very strong immunity. Academician Zhong Nanshan has said: “The best way to treat chronic pneumonia in China is to practice taijiquan”. This is because taijiquan is a serene exercise, in which the thought guides the breath to drive the movement of various parts of the body, by relaxing and contracting the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, so that the internal organs are fully activated, enhancing blood circulation, thereby reducing the burden on the functioning of the heart and improving the heart, vascular and lymphatic systems. At the same time, the deep, long, quiet and uniform breaths of abdominal breathing can improve lung function and capacity, benefiting the bronchi, for the prevention and rehabilitation of lung and other chronic diseases.
That being the case, Leng Xianfeng, Chairman of the Hong Kong International Wushu Association and China Hong Kong Eldery Sports Association, based on the Chen style taijiquan routine, have created a new routine suitable for the middle-aged and elderly, a simple routine for beginners to get started with: “ Health preservation Taijiquan for the Elderly”. The full set is divided into six sections, and can be done in sections or in full, organised on the principle of simple to complex, shallow to deep, easy to difficult. It is characterised by movements that are natural and poised, Hard and soft, fast and slow, It’s the best choice for group exercise, stage performance and Health-preserving.